Bony Happenings
A new blog to inform YOU, yes, you, you thing with actual flesh, about what's happening in the skeleton underground!
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Wanna join the action?

Wednesday, October 12, 2016
The Cranium!!! An ALL-NEW record of ALL official skeleton doings!
Go to The Cranium to see all the latest and greatest spooky operations!
Alex the skeleton was placed in the restroom at Sequoyah High and has fallen. The skele has gone MIA since 10/13, 3rd block. More news on the way. 10/17/16 Today is a very special day! With everyone compacted into a single gymnasium, we must take this opportunity to put up as many posters as possible! There will be 10 posters put up near the robotics stand at the front of the gym, so come over and find them, but don't ask about them! If you need assistance shout "Bony Business!" and someone will come to assist you. Remember to shout it loudly, or else we may not hear!
10/31/16 Today is Halloween. There are many imposters roaming the halls of SHS, so be on your guard, as any one of them could be trying to pick up on the hidden identities of many of our team members! Be extra careful. If you see a skeleton that looks in any way, shape, or form different, do NOT respond to it at ALL! Even if it reaches out to you or looks similar to one of our skeletons, do not allow it to sway your care! This is very important. If you do react, they could tell your identity to other blog members and your name would end up plastered around the internet, so DO NOT (hint for those who are slightly illiterate: DO NOT means the opposite of DO, so DO NOT DO THE FOLLOWING!!!!!) interact with any suspicious-looking skeletons. As always, hail spaghetti, and f#ck the sky. Have a spooktacular Hallow's Eve!!!
The Newest in Coercive Mandible Movement!
We will be setting up a chat room soon for all our skeleton fans and minions to gather at! Please, give input on what you would like for us to do next, and what you don't quite like. Oh, who am I kidding, it's not like we'll care whether or not you don't like our antics! We're just out for a bit of fun, not too different from the rest of you.
So, that is why we have created this blog. You can contact us by just putting a sticky note on a wall with a skeleton drawn on it, your question, and contact information, or emailing skelecrewofficial@gmail.com. We will need advertisers, minions, and taggers for jobs. More information if you email.